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Photograph Gallery 2022...

2019 2020 Further pictures and events can be found on our Facebook Page
Some of the volunteer helpers who contributed to a Summer Fair. £1118 was raised to support the ongoing mission of the church.


(June 2022)

The Jubilee Flower Festival -
raised £2600 for the tower fund.

The theme was the Queen’s interests and her homes. We had over 20 stands representing the Commonwealth, Sandringham and Balmoral, Ascot, and a tea party with corgis, as well as the different parts of the church.

The displays were done by the East Riding Club and the Beverley Flower Club as well as our own flower arrangers.

(June 2022)

During Holy Saturday the church hosted an Easter Egg Hunt and achieved 270 people from the community "Pinning a Tail on the Donkey". When this is validated we hope it will set a world record!
Good Friday saw All Saints Hessle, Our Lady of Lourdes and Tower Hill Methodist Churches join in an Ecumenical Procession and service of Witness.
(April 2022).
Revd Gemma Turner led worship for Palm Sunday. A dramatic reading of the story of the trial of Jesus, the last supper, and his Crucifixion was read during the service.
(April 2022)
Mothering Sunday was celebrated during the morning service on Sunday 27 March. The service was led by the Revd Gemma Turner, with thanks to the uniformed organisations for helping with the prayers, readings and flower distribution to all the mothers in the congregation.
(March 2022)

Humber Wind Band recently performed a concert with the theme "AROUND BRITAIN" raising £432 for the Tower Fund.
This was their first concert since lockdown and the band members produced a memorable performance which was enthusiastically applauded by the audience.
Musical Director Daphne McMillan became Musical director in 2018 having retired from Hull Music Service, where she was a peripatetic woodwind teacher specialising in the bassoon.
Robert, her husband, a band member is an enthusiastic supporter of Hessle and its history having lived here as a young man and was once a member of the choir here in All Saints!
(February 2022)

The Revd Gemma Turner presided at an Evening Prayer to thank the Right Revd Alison White, Bishop of Hull for her ministry in Hull and the East Riding, before her retirement in February. Bishop Alison gave an encouraging sermon to look to the future and learn from the past before giving a final blessing to the congregation. Churchwardens Gillian Dixon and Robin Mason made a presentation to Bishop Alison and her husband Bishop Frank, on behalf of the congregation, following celebratory refreshments after the service.
(January 2022)
An Ecumenical service took place at a special service attended by members of Our Lady Lourdes, Tower Hill Methodist and All Saints Hessle to mark the Week of Prayer for Christain Unity. Our picture shows left to right Deacon Chris Larwood, Revd Janet Whelan, Revd John Walker, Lucy Gorman (Ordinand) and Father Michael Marsden after the service. Note: Lucy Gormand organised the service and the theme took us back to the searching of the Magi as we move to the end of the season of Christmas at Candlemas. 
(January 2022)
The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, presided at the Morning Eucharist in All Saints Church, Hessle on the Fourth Sunday of Advent. At the conclusion of the service he blessed a seat, donated by Sandy Richardson; in memory of her husband Charlie who died earlier this year. (December 2021).


Website contact Graham Marshall  (Web Site - Digital Photography)
Copyright © 2011 All Saints' Church
Last modified: August 03, 2022